Worship & Special Events

Our Christmas Services are as follows, all welcome:

Sunday 15 December - 3rd Sunday in Advent Sunday, 10.30am

22 December - 4th Sunday in Advent, 6pm Carol Service. No morning service at Beckenham.

Wednesday 25 December - Christmas Day - 11:00am 

Sunday 29 December - Circuit Service at Beckenham 10.30am

Tuesday 31 December - Watchnight Service at Freeman Ghanaian - 10:30pm (Clock House Road Beckenham BR3 4JP)

Sunday 5 January - Covenant and Holy Communion 10.30am


Julian Meeting - a time of silent prayer & meditation
2nd & 4th Tuesday of every month, 7-7.45pm 
14th & 28th January
11th & 25th February
11th  & 25th March
8th & 22nd April

Pattern of Worship

Worship is the primary function of our church. All are welcome whether regulars or visitors. Our Preachers change each week and some are ordained and some are lay Preachers. Please see the website calendar for services each Sunday.

There is one Holy Communion service each month with other forms of morning service on other Sundays. These do not always follow the same pattern, depending on when Special Sundays fall.

A space for younger children and a creche area for toddlers are available.

Fellowship continues after services in the Atrium with tea and coffee.

Food Bank donations are encouraged and collected whenever particular stocks have fallen low.


Calendar of Events

The Calendar on this website provides a monthly chart of events by various categories: church services and special events. 

Updated December 24

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